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Crypto key error

Crypto key error

No write access to APPPATH/config/crypt.php.

The FuelPHP crypto functions require unique and truly random crypto keys. These keys are automatically generated and written to the crypto configuration file the first time the application accesses a crypto function.

Please copy the following code and paste it into the APPPATH/config/crypt.php file manually:

 * Fuel is a fast, lightweight, community driven PHP 5.4+ framework.
 * @package    Fuel
 * @version    1.8.2
 * @author     Fuel Development Team
 * @license    MIT License
 * @copyright  2010 - 2019 Fuel Development Team
 * @link       https://fuelphp.com

return array (	'legacy' => array (
		'crypto_key' => '8Bc9DczTQYdYoP8zaoO00gEM',
		'crypto_iv' => 'Xk0AlMilgAcEm5Y5Y8Tr0u38',
		'crypto_hmac' => 'fc0R6o2ZIGK8NtM9QEWcI4H0',
	), 	'sodium' => array (
		'cipherkey' => '0eb4f6f9c9a5a23ba2c8aac88f10fd5871c4b17b8615283370799a4f16470ad3',